Tips for those Working Remotely

As we, and so many other companies enter the second week of working from home, and many who have had to possibly embrace this model overnight, we offer you well wishes and some tips for working at home.

1. Create a stable workplace. If you do not have an extra room, carve out a spot you can use every day.

2. Follow your schedule. Start on time, takes breaks and lunch – follow as much normal routine as you can.

3. Be productive. It is way too easy to turn on the TV and caught up in the repetitive newscasts. Set daily goals and get them done.

4. Communicate – more. While we are all out of the office, communication is critical. A big concern is that we will lose touch, so some sub-tips:

a. Use social video platforms – Zoom, Skype, High Five, and Facetime to meet with your teams, have 1:1 conversations.

b. Schedule regular meetings with your teams. Let them share things that may be personal; listen and show compassion.

c. Use your ‘breaks’ and lunchtime to schedule chats.

d. Use the phone – call a co-worker, family member, etc. to check in.

5. Get some fresh air. Take a break from your workspace and get outside, while maintaining social distance from your neighbors. Open your windows to allow fresh air to circulate for at least 15 minutes a day.

And, finally, realize that we are all in this together. We need to support and communicate with each other to get our jobs done, keep our relationships going and just help one another through these times.

Do your part – Stay Home.  We can do it!